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A member registered Jun 17, 2017

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(1 edit)

When I say daily events, I don't mean daily things breaking into your base or causing destruction around, events can also be small things like a flashlight being outside with a journal of a random person that walked near Romeo and disappeared, or random noises being played at night that make you jittery, Make the computer glitch out a tiny bit.

Just to get you interested in what's to come for the late stage's of the game, I disagree that it would get stale. In fact it would get super interesting for someone that doesn't know what to expect from this game.

This event stuff would greatly improve player exploration and curiosity to want to find out just what the hell is going on in this place

And the reason why I said passing time if you read what I typed is because on the late stage's you've already seen and explored most of the world so you're just waiting for big events to happen, Of course in the early game you wouldn't pass time because you need to get money for food, in the late stage's food doesn't matter anymore.

I did my part in recommending my friends this game!

I don't know if you're considering putting this on steam but if you ever do I'll gladly purchase it instantly!

And if you wanna have some suggestions, the game is great! But I feel like it should follow the same pattern as Darkwood does. As in, having an event happen each day (usually night) especially at the start.

The events are the biggest part of why this game is so great! (not to get into spoilers)

Another suggestion maybe is another way to make time go by, or for you to do something to pass time. Usually during the late stages I just sit and wait for my next daily tasks to arrive so I can make enough money to decorate my lab :)

(of course this will probably be solved once there is way more to do during daytime as stuff gets added ♥)


It was the latest version.

(3 edits)

Here is the settlement info

At around 500 to 550 population the people skip't frames and the game became slower (basically lag).

I have a pretty good pc so i think for people that have lower specs they are going to begin lagging at around 300 People.

Don't know about the building lag but more pixels on screen = more lag so it will still lag when you have a lot of People at the cost of them being homeless because 600 people = 600 houses = 600x the lag

Btw i learned how you can control warbands and migrants now. Apparently you have to click the next button under you map which is really great so far maybe i'm going to start another run.

If you want anymore info i'll gladly show it.

Here is the city i build before everything started to lag.

I don't think the enemies attack you anymore when you are in this state (only Romans would dare).

I don't know how to use the warriors or the trading system so if you could maybe make a tutorial for that or something that would be nice.

Anyway nice unique game.